After watching Animals, I discovered that I appear to be in a small minority of Blake’s 7 viewers who got some enjoyment from this episode. Lucky me! I tend to use the term ‘least favourite’ for episodes lower down my rankings of anything because there is usually more good than bad. Series D isn’t exactly …
Month: September 2020
In the same month that issue 2 of Blake’s 7 Monthly reached newsstands, Marvel UK also published issue 39 of Starburst magazine. The monthly magazine has covered Blake’s 7 in several issues and this one takes us behind the scenes of its visual effects. The November 1981 version of Starburst has a tagline of ‘The …
We’re four episodes into Series D of Blake’s 7 and now have another issue of Blake’s 7 Monthly to keep us going between episodes. Let’s take a look at some of the features from issue 2, published in November 1981. It’s another bright cover for Blake’s 7 Monthly, with the series logo once again done …
This is the first time I’ve ever struggled with Blake’s 7 and I needed something from Stardrive, just a little bit, to liven up Series D. Just a machine I’ve given up entirely on Orac, whose personality increasingly resembles his creator: a grumpy old man who wanted to be left alone to get on with …
After the last episode I mentioned that there were a couple of writers I was hoping to see again – Robert Holmes was one of them. What the plot One aspect I liked from Robert Holmes’ previous stories was his ability to write two separate but fun, compelling plots. This worked particularly well in Gambit …